AMCM is proud to partner with Inertia Lab
Inertia Lab was created with the vision of providing our customers with the highest quality dampers, suspension service, chassis tuning, and support and AMCM drivers can enjoy their top quality service for special AMCM only pricing.
Penske 7500DA Packages
Quick service -- $125 Shaft guide seals, oil change, vacuum bleed, N2 charge and dyno. (recommended to perform annually)
Service A -- $175 Quick service plus rebuild of shaft and piston assembly.
Service B -- $240 Same as B adding base valve/ compression assembly tear down and N2 chamber rebuild.
Nitro 3 way Packages
Quick service -- $150 Shaft guide seals, new oil, and dyno. (recommended to perform annually)
Service A -- $195 Quick service plus rebuild of shaft, piston assembly and hose seals.
Service B -- $240 Service A plus total teardown of canister with new oil via vacuum filling process.